MisunderstoodAngle (MissunderstoodAngle)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (11)
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Birthday 27th December
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 4th June 2012
MisunderstoodAngle joined 4414 days ago and last visited 3974 days ago
Comments 10
Forum Posts 0
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About Me

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Hello everybody! I'm not normally a sad person or a mad person. I have had some very sad things happen to me but I've worked through them on my own. I'm a kind and loving person but i enjoy the deep,dark, and creepy things in life. So most of my poetry comes from the depth of my inner mind things that have been their for years now, all emotion that has built up and things that have never been said. My life isn't bad at all i normally get everything i want but when i don't get something i'm not going to bitch and moan about it. I'm very spoiled but i'm not a brat, i'm very nice but i have a bit of a temper issue. You can all just call me Angle. I hope to meet a lot of new people and make new friends who are just like me and many who are not. Well enjoy your's and my writing :).

My Reading List

Time's Up by TheNewImpostor
Human by doomedinpurplehaze
Cut me open by sammyloo1