
Lost Thinker
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Age 20
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 29th August 2009
Mentaly_unsound joined 5422 days ago and last visited 3586 days ago
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About Me

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Why do I write such dark poetry? I’m sure many or at least some have wondered this. Though to be honest it’s not something I could answer easily. To better understand how and why I write then you must understand my intentions. I moved quite a lot throughout my life, my mother died in a car crash which I was in. I never really saw my father until her death which makes about ten years. I then lived with the typical stepmom cliché. Though all these things never really brought me to write so dark. I love heavy metal, horror films and hate most people but then again it wasn’t my reason for writing. I guess it's a lot deeper than that. Not cause and effect but a sort of destiny. I was just drawn to dark poetry and other writing such as that. Though in my eyes it’s no where near that of darkness. To me it’s more like the light. For that’s what it brings out. You can not value the light if you’ve never been in the dark. You can not realize what is good without knowing full well what is bad.

I write not so much as to express myself as it is to open other people’s eyes and to entertain, though self expression is still apart of many of my poems. People see me and assume so many things. They assume a bad child hood, poor work ethics and a bad attitude. That may be a fraction of the truth for I did have a bad child hood. Though for those who are willing to know me they see what I really am, a great and loyal friend, a soul mate that will never stop loving to a very special person, a smart guy with a very positive outlook on life. Not the religion fanatic positive but a way of seeing life for what it is. It sucks! just flat out sucks and can not seem worth it. Though on other occasions it’s as perfect as heaven on earth. This will never change and continue to go back and fort, though most times more negative than positive.

Moving so much as a child and seeing so many things has taught me this well. For example is my mother’s death. She died in a car crash when I was thirteen. I then moved to live with my dad and a you know what stepmom. Most others would find this bad and just want to give up. Though to me I knew better things would come along. This came true as I met the girl I fell in love with. She became the center of my universe and my future wife, or at least I thought. Once again life has a Yin and Yang, so that didn't work out. Now if my mother never passed away I would have never moved and met this girl, she may have ended up not being the one but the three years with here are never a waste in my mind.

Negative and positive will always exist. As the age old question goes, “You see a glass half filled on a table. Is it half full or half empty?” Some say empty and others say full. Though my first thought when asked this question was a bit odd. I simply thought if I was thirsty or not. Such a simple thought at first but when applied to life it can mean so much more. Stop thinking of life as positive or negative, good or bad, unlivable or livable. Just take life as it is and don’t look so deep into meaningless things. Instead look deeper into those things that matter. Take a second look at that Goth kid walking down the street. Don’t just assume what you think is obvious. Don’t let others set the standard of what you should think. Dream to think and think to dream. When you can understand that then you can enjoy life in all situations. This is why I write the way I do. So wake up, open your eyes and SEE!

My Reading List

Void by StarFuckingLoser (Adam)
Prisoners by blueeyes415263

Poets I Follow
