Mei-Hitokiri (Mei)

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Read Poems (80)
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Member Since 29th August 2009
Mei-Hitokiri joined 5427 days ago and last visited 4872 days ago
Comments 20
Forum Posts 151
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Poet Introduction

In one word? Traditional. Rhyme is my element And life is my muse I write to release Without blowing a fuse

Favorite Poets/Writers

Simon Armatidge; Lee Child; H G Wells; Roald Dahl; Spike Milligan

About Me

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"And though she be but little, she is feirce"

A friend once gave me a badge with this Shakespeare quotation on. Never before have words written about another been so true for me. I'm searching every day to find other words that tell my tale in as much detail...

In truth, there's not really much to tell. I write about what I see and what I believe; mostly the bad things. I have very strong beliefs and opinions. I accept others at face value, but am a sceptic and am constantly doubting both myself and others.

In my eyes, my defining feature is my temper. Though more dormant than before I can break at any time. There is then no telling - tears or blood? I was once asked had I ever contemplated self harm or suicide. I answered:
"Yes. But I rapidly came to the conclusion that it was far easier, far less painful and had far fewer reprocussions to harm or kill the source of my upset, as opposed to myself." I suppose I lived to this mantra believing that whatever the obstacle, it could merely be beaten out of the way. Now, though, I find the reprocussions too large so have turned to the subtler form of assassination.


My Reading List

Maisie's Song by annie-lang
God's a Serial Killer by Abracadabra (Abra)