
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (24)
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Member Since 10th September 2012
Mech1nomicsArtist joined 4319 days ago and last visited 3621 days ago
Comments 4
Forum Posts 16
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Poet Introduction

Peace of mind? What's it worth to you? I've been everywhere and seen almost everything1 What makes you I know Im allergic to the foolishness so My response to life is bless you!

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Too many to name!

About Me

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I fancy myself a realistic self expressionist. Its been said I have a way of saying how I feel through my words. I am an artist in general. I enjoy writing, painting, and tattooing. Chicago is my hometown and where I reside.

I do this for the man in the mirror

for the future

outlook alot of clear

for the babies that used to be in the womb

for the little one thatll be here soon

for the passion I feel within

to the mercy regardless of my sins

for the path I chose to blaze my damn self

i can have it my way

eat the cake i want to and shine any day

maybe the weather forecast says cloudy

makes me no difference as my creativity is king shit

who really doubt me

positive mindsets bring you to the shit you been doing

regardless of who dont know and who dont have a clue

a slew of us will never be signed and never be major

but when you do it from the heart you doing it major already

I dig my fellow artist if i know you or not

do you thing

spread you message

youll never be forgotten