
Lost Thinker
Read Poems (12)
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Member Since 28th November 2012
Marlena joined 4240 days ago and last visited 3625 days ago
Comments 46
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Poet Introduction

I am Marlena. I write poetry. I am spaced out. I am an organism on a destined planet.

About Me

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I am poetic because I write things in a way that can either be understood or not. That way, it leaves opportunity for your perception and imagination. I want you to think, that's weird how she worded that. That's cool, what does that mean. That's the kind of poet I am. I leave room for you to interpret my poems how you want to but good enough to intrigue you.

My Reading List

Stardust by kestaa
Baby let me be Your Mattress by drivelicious13 (alon aLion)