
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (18)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 29th April 2011
Marchioness joined 4874 days ago and last visited 4477 days ago
Comments 13
Forum Posts 1
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I write stuff about other stuff. I have a muse called Crave who fucking hates me. When I want to get inspired, I stop taking my pills. I hate every one of my friends and occasionally lose my handwriting. I'm also Scottish.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Blake, Neil Gaiman, Holly Black, Terry Pratchett, Charles Dodgson, Douglas Adams

About Me

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Fucked up, on prescription anti-psychotics, full of love and hate and constantly existentially distressed.

I am also on under Marchioness, if you want to see some of my stuff that maybe is not appropriate for this sight (i.e. too tame), and am on Twitter at!/_Marchioness_ and Facebook at