
Thought Provoker
4awards Canada
Read Poems (185)
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Member Since 29th March 2014
Madintellect joined 3749 days ago and last visited 3586 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Madness takes its toll, please have exact change ;)

Favorite Poets/Writers

I think writing is greatness; So I respect any and all poets that enjoy writing

About Me

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Hi, My name is Mike Stewart, I am a 30yo Canadian electrician/fire protection technician. I've been writing poetry for a couple years now as a creative way to vent and I think it's awesome. I'm also the guy the media warned you about on tv. The "wild conspiracy" person lol. The thing is though, I am a very well-informed person with a high IQ and there is truth to everything that I talk about. I'm a traitor for life who is not down with Zion or Jerusalem and what they are doing to Palestinians. These fucking global elitists control and filter everything that we think we know about the cosmos. IE our perception or view of the world around us. They are for a complete takeover of all world governments who won't submit to their rule. We are all enslaved to them through indentured seritude to them. These families/dynasties and there private corporation are the true power of us and through monetary banking they are allowed to extort us and are goernments through pointless interest that pure bullshit usery. Through war they gain power and control and instal puppet governments who allready swear allegiance to the these occultist fucks. These people are of "royal decent" and there higherarchy is been gaining power for thousands of years. Basically every law passed is another right lost. Through burrocracy and lobbying all our do called "governments" do is work the best interest of the corporations and the crown. They don't care about the people they are supposed to serve and it's bullshit. They are supposed to be public servants and work for our best interest and prosperity. Through compounded interest we have allowed the banks to bankrupt our nations currency through they're "promissary bank notes" which are basically "I o u's) that are backed by nothing what so ever. Thanks fraud and pure bullsht that our governments passed laws to allow. Fuck the central bank! Federal reserve should never have allowed to have control of our currency. It's fucking treason! We think we are free but do there fake money the own our souls through needing to work our whole lives for it to be able to live. We are all slaves to the banking oligarchy and its time for a revolution and have people stand up against the corruption and abuse of public power which occurs today or else we are all fucked. They openly admit that are striving towards a new one world order of political, economic, financial, and military control. Through control of education and the mainstream media (propaganda of news/our Ignorance is their power! They own Hollywood too)we are brainwashed to conform and believe and trust authority/ think we live innards fair just and free society. Which couldn't be further from truth.
Have u tryed going somewhere with no money? Nothing is free in this world! We are all therefore slaves stuck in thier "barless prision" were we are pre programmer

basically the world we live in is like a Hollywood production where we think voting makes a difference and the public is free to prosper and if they don't they must be loser drug addicts who like living in poverty. Media  is rich people paying rich people to brainwash middle class people to blame poor people. Fuck that poverty is man made! All suffering is and war is preventable! There is enough space and ffood and natural recourses on this earth for everybody exist and live comfotably in harmony. The rulling class are the pleage to this planet and the caUse of mankinds needless death and suffering. They
are phycopaths with names and faces that need to be arrested and locked  Away for ever. The sheep merality is all they have on us we outnumber these fascist fuckheads millions to one! Let's wake the fuck up about the truth about the real causes of war/poverty and true power running the show. Question everything i say with an open mind! Do your own research. United we are a powerful generation(s)!!!!

The children of the future depend on us stopping this just shit before this shit gets worse. Stand up against propaganda and lies told with education and demand accountablity from your elected officals!
Its time to wake up!

Ww3 is taking place right now and it's us vs them.

Mike Stewart


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My Reading List

War by digital_poet

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (17)