KeyanaF (Keyana Friend)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (6)
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Birthday 2nd March
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 14th April 2011
KeyanaF joined 4834 days ago and last visited 4826 days ago
Comments 7
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Alan Poe, and Stephen King

About Me

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I am half black and half white. I've been writing for a few years now. It's both my talent and my largest hobby. I'm  a free spirited woman who lives of of stories, poetry, and music. I enjoy almost every genera of music. I want to go to collage to get my doctorates degree in psychology to become a therapist for adolescents. My friends like to say that I already am, but I would like to get a degree to state it.

Poets I Follow
