
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (17)
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Member Since 5th June 2012
Katana joined 4413 days ago and last visited 3590 days ago
Comments 27
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Poet Introduction

Just starting out with a few ideas and finding my poetic feet. I'll stumble from time to time, but hopefully, not always in rhyme. It ain't easy writing and I'm always on the look-out for inspiration.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Michael Slade, Derek W Dick

About Me

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Getting older, yet feeling bolder. I've recently found that I want to be more creative so have tried my hand at a few poems. I'm enjoying the process and hope to receive some pointers to make me a better poet.

My first novel, "Silent Wake", is now available for download from Amazon. It can be purchased in the USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Japan, Spain, France and Germany

"96 Dark Hours" is now available at Amazon for Kindle download

Follow me on Twitter @PoeticRob
