
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 26th May 2013
JohnsonKayLinda joined 4061 days ago and last visited 4061 days ago
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I am the guy about whom everyone's parents say...."Dont mix with him, he will spoil u"...but the society has a complete different definition for a bad boy than what should be...according to the fucking society, one who challenges convention is bad, so according to those bloody idiots, Socrates, Galileo ,Archimedes, Newton, Einstien, Neruda,The Rolling Stones and many many more are bad....but if these so called bad people wouldnt be there then we would still have hurt ass in horse carts and not cars...we would have candle night dinners even if we didnt want to....SO HATS OFF TO THE 'BAD BOYS AND GIRLS', FOR WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN CHANGE THE WORLD...

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