JohnVincent (John Vincent DeVito)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (110)
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Birthday 26th March
Relationship Status Other
Member Since 7th January 2013
JohnVincent joined 4194 days ago and last visited 3585 days ago
Comments 33
Forum Posts 7
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Poet Introduction

I usually just write whatever's on my mind. Could be anything. Brain-to-hand-to-page.

About Me

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Just an average twenty year old, I guess. Interested in all things where creating something is involved. Went to film school for three semesters, swapped my major to teaching. Amateur author, painter, marathon runner, filmmaker, cartoonist, chef, person and coffee connoisseur.

"The job of the artist is only to glorify and exaggerate life, in itself."

"From womb to tomb..."

"You have to die a few times before you can really live." - Charles Bukowski

"Most young kings get their head chopped off." -Jean-Michel Basquiat

"Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must lead." - Charles Bukowksi

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