I_love_this_poem (Anada)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (6)
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Member Since 14th May 2012
I_love_this_poem joined 4447 days ago and last visited 4440 days ago
Comments 9
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Poet Introduction

I write poems i know nothing about,   how feelings i wished but never were were felt.   I hope you enjoy, you can look but not touch,   for my poems are only imaginary thoughts.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Frost, May Angelou, Oscar Wilde,

About Me

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I used to write poems and think them randomly in the day but they never seemed to come to paper. Than i decided one day that i wanted to write. Beautiful poems that brought others joy or connected through pain. i hope i achieve somewhat of that. Please feel free to comment anything good or negative. i want to get better and learn more.

My Reading List

On Writing Poetry by BruceBurkard