
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (7)
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Member Since 11th June 2013
HollyJay joined 4045 days ago and last visited 3964 days ago
Comments 15
Forum Posts 9
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

The world whispers to us words to write but gives us the responsibility of giving them their homes.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe

About Me

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i'm an emo/goth who writes constantly because i can't stop thinking of words.......but i like to talk to new people, so...message me? & i have an amazing boyfriend who is kinda over protective so he says if your a male please watch what you say. Thank you... :)

My Reading List

Every Scar by EccedentesiastGirl
weakness by ScreamYourHeartOut
liar by deathheadforlife
What If? by ZexionKingdomHeart
The Galaxy by ZexionKingdomHeart

Poets I Follow
