
Strange Creature
Read Poems (2)
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Member Since 8th May 2011
HighPriestess_Gaia joined 4810 days ago and last visited 4767 days ago
Comments 12
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe

About Me

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Welcome to my profile. Are you, too, a child of the night? Or another wiccan witch, or, ideally, both? I'd love to have a chat on a few favorite spells, maybe even your favorite bloodtype and why you find it so tantilizingly delicious? Of course, I would not mind if we talked about your poetry instead, favorite poets, or things of the like. It would be fantastic if you were interested in anime and manga, as well, and maybe even growing herb gardens and such? Religion, too, is a favorite topic of discussion of mine.

I may write more later that actually describes myself...but for now,

Good-Night Fledgelings.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Is this love..? by Harmony21
Strength in Numbers by never_surrender
Sometimes by MythsComeAlive
It feeds, Waiting by TheLiarsPlay
My Prince by MasqueradePrince
Smile by rainbow_sunshine (Wendy)

Poets I Follow
