
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (39)
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Member Since 16th June 2014
HerBloodlustHair joined 3668 days ago and last visited 3586 days ago
Comments 18
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About Me

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Im tired of being alone...ive spent life mad at the world, the people that live in it, and a god I dont even belive in. im just lookin for a little form of acceptance in the world...i love her more than anyone will know, the girl with the bloodlust hair...

My Reading List

Poet'ic Mathematics Etude by dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)
Over the edge by RKX
Addictions by rainbow_kitteh (defined-insane-luke)

Poets I Follow
