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Member Since 9th April 2013
HeartofCold joined 4108 days ago and last visited 3605 days ago
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Metallica, Obscura, Death, Elias Lönnrot, Jari Mäenpää and anyone with an imagination

About Me

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Contemplation of beauty? Consider the contemplation of madness, as it grants various aspects of both reality and mentality, you get to view the world from the aspect of a madman or philosopher, but in such endeavours one will always cross a mind more difficult to contemplate these people make the act of contemplation a challenge and skill, this can allow you a completely new way of thinking and aspect of mentality but one must always be cautious as such people can grant a way of thought beyond their comprehension and may lose themselves in the madness that they once observed, and become stranded in the mind of another.
As such the admiration of beauty is different world of thought all together; it allows you see what you already see under a different shade of imagination and wonder. Allowing a new outlook of the world around you, such thought “gives the soul wings” but brings you to a level of mental restraint as it can disable your understanding of things unseen, such as the subtle yet strong ebb and flow of the mind as it progresses through various spectrums of thought. Therefore focus of beauty can lead you to be caught up in shades of light and colour and rather than shades of thought and philosophy. Doing so you could become lost in the beauty of the world around you and lose touch with your mind.
I strive for improvement but never perfection, as it is an unachievable goal, “nothing in life has any business being perfect” thus aiming for such things will draw your mind from the soul of what you do and you will become consumed by what others think of your work and you will start to lose sight of why you started it.
I try to aim for balance between the two aspect of thought therefore I can enable myself to see existence from the view of another, and draw thought from the beauty of a world forged by both man and nature or even create my own to escape the madness of this one. However it is not my place to enforce or boast about my way of thought, nor is it anyone’s. I merely observe and wonder, think and philosophise, loath and admire, and I will continue to do so until I am claimed by either madness, beauty or the grave

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