Harold-Weathervein (Levi Braathen)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (18)
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Age 20
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 22nd February 2010
Harold-Weathervein joined 5245 days ago and last visited 3590 days ago
Comments 2
Forum Posts 42
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Poet Introduction

I was drunk when i started all of this, and now according to a U.S. Study, only 7% of adult males drink more than I do.

About Me

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my first book of poetry and prose can be bought at

My Second Book Is Also Available At

I think i look like a trumpet player,
my sin is gluttony,
i'm more interested in Philly and Omaha, than literally anything between, or beyond those two cities.
i enjoy the taste of wine,
I fast,

and oh,
i write letters.