
Fire of Insight
8awards United States
Read Poems (61)
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Member Since 21st August 2013
Gahddess_Worship joined 3971 days ago and last visited 3588 days ago
Comments 764
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Poet Introduction

I am trying to be me, whoever that is :)

Favorite Poets/Writers

R.W.Emerson, Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, Oscar Wilde, A.C. Doyle, Marcus Aurelius, Skakespeare

About Me

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Favorite Quotations:

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
Dr. Seuss

"We mark with light in the memory the few interviews we have had...with souls that made our souls wiser; that spoke what we thought; that told us what we knew; that gave us leave to be what we inly were."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Albert Einstein

Sum Of My Parts

Who am I?
An everchanging answer
I am confused on this point

These are the parts of my equation

I am a prototypical Peter Pan
Ever the six year old
Frozen in time by the death
Of a loving mother

I am an Edgar Allen Poe subject
Unable to shake the pall of doom

I am the second grade Don Juan
Wooing his young Andrea

I am the boy in the attic
Making love to a blue-green vibrator
Finding joy and peace in the sensation

I am the fifteen year old dishwasher
Yearning for the touch of a particular cocktail waitress
Taught to man-up by a tough, rough-housing busboy

I am the singer
A constant stream of sweet, consoling music
Keeping me sane and loved

I am the lover of nature
Hidden deep in a forest of mighty redwoods

I am the devoted friend
Thinking no one could ever hate me

I am the frustrated athlete
Still imagining a Super Bowl, World Cup, Olympic Gold
Win in my future

I am a couch potato
Obsessed with English detective mysteries

I am a most unlikely computer geek
But aren’t we all these days

I am the simple reality of life
Learned by a stay in Spain

I am the straight one
Singing in the opera chorus

I am the devoted spouse
Proud father
Dedicated employee, unemployed
Every-Sunday church goer

I’ve clearly revealed too much
As is my wont
Simply stated
I am a poet

Written by me under another alias

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Fern - Haiku by Chiyo (Miss Chi)
Wanton goddess by Savaja
Weakness by tommielynn (Tommie Lynn)
His Ink by tommielynn (Tommie Lynn)
Savor by Savaja
Unsatisfied by Savaja

Poets I Follow
