Forest_Of_Changes (Wyld Card)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (1)
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Member Since 16th April 2010
Forest_Of_Changes joined 5197 days ago and last visited 5072 days ago
Comments 2
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Poet Introduction

I write what's in my head, pretty or ugly, logical or not. Poetry is life put into words. Anything can become poetry if the right Writer takes hold of it. Simple. Clean. Poetry.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Reed, Dickenson, Poe, Whitman, Hemmingway, Frost, Enmon, Olivarra, Doucette

About Me

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Message-friendly. That means ask me. I'm blunt and speak my mind. Take nothing I say personally unless I'm blatantly being personal. Meh. Ask me if you have any questions. Putting up random information really doesn't get much done, anyway. ^^ Have a good day.