
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (13)
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Birthday 20th May
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 21st April 2012
Eriko joined 4458 days ago and last visited 3826 days ago
Comments 8
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Poet Introduction

Hi, I'm Erik. I write poems that will make you happy, sad, angry, loving, dead inside, etc... whatever I feel like writing at the time. Please browse my selection of poems. :-)

Favorite Poets/Writers

Poe, Dr.Seuss, Stephanie Meyer, Eminem.

About Me

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I am Erik. My life of writing started two years ago when I signed up for a high school creative writing class. Our first assignment was to write anything we wanted. I decided to go the way of a set of poems. I was surprised at how easy it was for me to write poems that others consider very good. I've been writing songs, poems, and short stories ever since. I love writing because it helps me cope with the many problems that life throws at me and helps me understand myself better. Some day I hope to become a published writer and/or a punk rock musician.

Poets I Follow
