EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)

Dangerous Mind
35awards United States
Read Poems (154)
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Member Since 11th September 2012
EngrVV joined 4309 days ago and last visited 3582 days ago
Comments 1462
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Poet Introduction

My education and work experiences revolved around mathematical figures and computations. Never in my life did I imagine that I could write beautiful poetry; one that comes from the heart. "The Fire Within" is my first published book.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King

About Me

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I'm an Engineer by profession and a poet by avocation. I love sports, music, poetry and nature. I also love playing the guitar, basketball and billiards. My sense of humor is down-to-earth just like any Virgo.

I am more of a technical writer than a poet in the making. I always try to perfect my craft to the best as I can be, that's why I study all forms of poetry. Some are easy, while some can be daunting. I decided to create my own form to my own comfort level,which by the way was conjured in my dreams. That's how acrostic-tanka was born! Please visit my site at:
http://engrvv.wix.com/acrostic-tanka ...you are welcome to learn and submit your own poems.

After the successful launch of my first written poetry book "The Fire Within," I could say that I am now an experienced and published poet. My thirst for learning doesn't stop there...everyday I try to study other forms of poetry and read on works of great poets to farther hone my skills and polish my craft. To me it would be a never ending learning process, as I try to write, rewrite and edit my work...until all my poems "run out of rhymes."

My Reading List

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cripple creek by lightbaron
Mother Nature's Art by KittyFromHell
Amerindian Warrior by marielavoue (Gypsy Red)
Misty Morning by souladareatease

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (8)