
Strange Creature
United States
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Birthday 7th February
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 14th November 2011
Dweebette44 joined 4617 days ago and last visited 4616 days ago
Comments 4
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About Me

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Starting with the most Important part of me about me is,I'm a mother of  two beautiful  boys. They are my world,my pride and joy and life has never been better since I was given my beautiful two blessing. They Second most Important part of me is my man, His name is Willie Johnson.

I'm not single and I'm NOT looking to change that.

I was born in Feb. During my free time I enjoy the internet - I consider myself to be one GIANT nerd. Family is the most important thing in life,they are the only people who are forever. Writing my own pomes would be my biggest hobby,I use to write every night of the week however now it's more like once a month.

Im not your typical 44 year old.. I don't drink,I do smoke socially. I'm complex,I have a wide range of interests..

My Reading List

Stormy Sex by Hotvixen069

Poets I Follow
