
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (2)
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Member Since 6th August 2014
Divinity joined 3624 days ago and last visited 3623 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I love to write poetry in harmony with the Nature photos I take wanting people to see and experience in their own being God and Nature speaking, enlightening, what's good, beautiful and makes one think, feel and evolve.

About Me

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I'm a Lesbian and creator of a children's booklet. Entitled: I Want To Know How To Grow. Check out www.iwanttoknowhowtogrow.com. I love rides in the country-side and walks in the woods and being near bodies of water and star-gazing. I'm a Nature Photographer! I'm a Federal Government employee seeking to have my creative works made known to inspire and help heal and to evolve. I love God I consider both Mother and Father and long to represent in my works, my words spoken and written, my actions and my service to others.