DiamondDustMirror (The White Rabbit)

Twisted Dreamer
8awards Malaysia
Read Poems (112)
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Member Since 12th June 2012
DiamondDustMirror joined 4404 days ago and last visited 3795 days ago
Comments 60
Forum Posts 64
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Poet Introduction

As a growing poet, I appreciate whatever comments that anyone cares to give to help me grow.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Don't have any favorites per say, but i DO appreciate good work, as does everyone else.

About Me

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Poetry is the only gift that i have, among all that i've endured. DUP is my sanctuary that has helped me grow as a poet and i'm forever grateful to the people that have guided and supported me thus far. As poets, we shall prove to the world that pain and darkness can be and truly is, beautiful.

My Reading List

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Stars by decayingfebruary (Wolf)
Mirror Mirror by darkestdesires
Runaway by darkanime313 (Myxomatosis)
Your Black Angel by XXdarknekoXX (kitty kat)

Poets I Follow
