DiamondDestroy13 (Rainbow Asylum)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (13)
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Member Since 18th August 2013
DiamondDestroy13 joined 3972 days ago and last visited 3587 days ago
Comments 23
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Poet Introduction

Hi My Name Is..Diamond Destroy what is yours? Fair Warning my mind is not of this world and my poetry is but pure amateurism so please read at you're own risk. Enjoy Dearies <3

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe

About Me

Read Full
I'm a weird cybergoth black chick living in the most boring city in the world Chesapeake Virginia. I have my own band called Technicolor Blood Flow and here's the URL www.facebook.com/technicolorbloodflow13. I have almost every social networking site available so if you want to add me i'll send you my username. I'm an AMAZING person as long as you don't piss in my dinosaur oatmeal. I've been writing "poetry" since the young age of 12. I see you looking at my quotations (sneaky monsters) and the reason that they're there is that my poetry isn't quite what you may call experienced or typical and it's certainly not normal but it just depends on what you'd prefer reading and how critical you are. All poetry talk aside, have fun reading my occasional tirade's, heartfelt scribbling's, and depressing monologues. I look forward to seeing you're comments and meeting people who are just as amazing as I am. Love you mean it deary's.

                                     -Love Diamond Destroy
                P.S. My Mind Is A Death Trap.....Enjoy :)

My Reading List

Bella's Rose by redstar (Dark Angel)
I Still... by Poetikmind
Dance with Me by BloodyTears
Youre fading baby by hanninnee (Hannah Alexis)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (16)