Deerinthewoods (Whatintheworld)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (6)
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Member Since 8th March 2014
Deerinthewoods joined 3772 days ago and last visited 3592 days ago
Comments 15
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About Me

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My favorite books are:
Into The Wild by John Krakauer
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
A Tear and A Smile by Kahlil Gibran
Girl In Need Of A Tourniquet by Lisa Johnson
Lose Girl by Kerry Cohen

I'm a free thinker
Big dreamer
Half queer
Real in my writing
But a bit of a deceiver

Was a lonely child
Till I got curves
Now I hate the way guys necks swerve

Been with my man
For two years
Going strong
We met  at the top of a rock wall

Team sports I was picked last
Fuck it
Try and climb as well as me
I bet I'll have the last laugh

I've made many mistakes
But life can't be all fun and games

Looking to the rising sun
Nature will always be my heaven

My Reading List

noir desolate by JohnFeddeler

Poets I Follow
