DeathsPortayal81 (DeathsPortrayal81)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (24)
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Member Since 19th August 2012
DeathsPortayal81 joined 4338 days ago and last visited 4138 days ago
Comments 42
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About Me

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Hey everyone... so a little bit about me: im a musician, my number one passion in life is music. music and poetry is everything to me.... i like writing just be able to get everything out that is warped around inside of my head. i am the type of person that i can be your best friend, or your worst infamy. i admit that i have a dark side to me.... i am the type of person that will do things and say things just to make some one smile or helps me to cope with my pains and inner demons..... so that's just a bit about me

My Reading List

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One Last Fall (Never Again) by BlackRose_Mira (Elle)
Technology (heart of cables) by BlackRose_Mira (Elle)
Spectrelight Eyes by BlackRose_Mira (Elle)
Heartburn (lost) by BlackRose_Mira (Elle)
Blue Devil Depression by raorrick (Rachel O.)
Changing by LenaMcCree (Lena McCree)

Poets I Follow
