
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (17)
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Member Since 10th July 2012
Dante-Anon joined 4381 days ago and last visited 3719 days ago
Comments 14
Forum Posts 5
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I write occasionally to help myself sleep. I didn't want my mediocrity going to waste so I started posting on here. I don't try to be anymore or any less poetic than I feel I actually am. Check out my stuff if you want I guess.

About Me

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Even though my poems impress my peers, everyone else still thinks we're a bunch of "queers". My life is bad at the best of times and mind numbingly depressing at the worst. I used to think that my dad screaming at me from second to fourth grade would be the worst of it. Then my sister was sexually assaulted and started using heroin among other things.
I type this out like someone will care, and maybe that's really what I'm looking for from this site. Community. I wear my heart on my sleeve and am a typically shy person, all I ever really want i someone to talk to. Talking to myself gets a bit frustrating sometimes, he's just too damn smart.
Most of the poems I upload will be my old works and I'll upload the newer ones later on. PM me if you want to talk, you know I do.

My Reading List

Play Me My Love by lunaz69
I'm your number 2 by Poorlamb

Poets I Follow
