Strange Creature
South Africa
Read Poems (9)
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Birthday 2nd June
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 25th March 2012
DF1 joined 4488 days ago and last visited 4455 days ago
Comments 7
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About Me

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my name is ego
hello im big on that
yep i got to much gaps
to be shy
why do i need to be
you dont see
forgive me you dont read
i praise myself daily
i kill haters daily
litreally or figuratively
i just love talking shit about me
it feel good doesnt  it
truly it does
no writer phases me
but dont that mean i need beef
yeah im hungry
ethopian child yeah im starving
dont you see
i rhyme bout all the thing that makes sense
what that be
uh me me me

i kill any
sorry i kill many
famous check me on the 10 pm
another lost soul
another misguided youth
stay to cool
i kill shit thats all i do
thats how i get food
but yes i love guns
i love killing dudes

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