
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 16th January 2011
Crook joined 4922 days ago and last visited 4766 days ago
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About Me

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Hello, I’m Crook Thornburn.
You many think,  “ That’s funny, a criminal is writing about love, politics, life etc.”
The truth is that because I think outside of the political machine and public views, I am a criminal. Simply thinking outside of the rules and judgment manufactured for us. I’ve traveled on many roads, spiritual as well as material still seeking the truth to what is.I’ve been writing since the sixth grade, worked on numerous poetry venues across the country.  Been ghost writing for five years and worked with a small theatre ensembles in Chicago. I’ve met many kind moments as well as bullying days. So I hope you are able find nourishment in my words, as I will seek nourishment in yours. God bless, Crook