
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (18)
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Member Since 6th February 2011
ClaireGPoetry joined 4900 days ago and last visited 4214 days ago
Comments 49
Forum Posts 3
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I enjoy writing poetry about social injustice,political struggles and a wider range of issues that don't seem to be represented in the mainstream society.Would welcome tips on songwriting in particular!  

Favorite Poets/Writers

william blake,samuel coleridge,william wordsworth

About Me

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I live in the north-east uk and have been writing poems for over 20 years as a hobby. They have helped me through life by turning often bad situations into positive ones.
Until now only friends,family and colleagues have been listening to them and when online I felt as if my poetry didn't easily sit with mainstream competitions and websites. It is refreshing to finally be able to read similar poems are on this website as I have never met anyone in my local area that writes poetry at all.
I love photography,astronomy,camping in the uk,motorbikes,nature & fossil hunting and music. I have a trombone that has sat neglected for a while and I am trying to learn electric guitar (with slow progress so far).I work in an office dreaming of the day i can do something a bit more creative-even if it's with my current employer    

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Tales of a mistress by skinnyjean (Llamaliscious)
Broken Bottle by skinnyjean (Llamaliscious)
Broken Dollies by annie25
Elegy for Japan by pyrategurrll (Lauren Tivey)
Shallow Sirens by GlennMcCrary
chapora by MDT

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (14)