
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (35)
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Member Since 30th October 2012
CeCe joined 4266 days ago and last visited 3595 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Blah-trouble-blah-bad relationships-blah-people die-drugs-fuckin blah-I write all this shit down in some way, twisted in metaphor, verbs slung through vague descriptions or blunt force with harsh words. Blah-

Favorite Poets/Writers

Poe,Jim Carroll,Plath,Dickinson,Johnithin Christ,Lamenterms,Vancrown & my other eliteskills poets

About Me

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Blah-trouble-blah-bad relationships-blah-people die-drugs-fuckin blah-I write all this shit down in some way-all the shit of life, twisted in metaphor, verbs slung through sometimes...vague descriptions or blunt force with harsh words.I write it out somewhere on a napkin & that gets tucked into a jacket pocket which is held together by patches of punk bands & then I find it 6 months later & that gets shoved into a huge book of little scribbles, long epics & fuckin piles of poetry & lyrics. And some of those get sorted at some point & turn into what you see here.

You wanna know about me ? HA! I hardly doubt it-but here are a few things...I'm a singer of sad songs, a musician, a songwriter, been a muse of many, a creator of intricate things, a child of hippies, a mother of the world yet children I have none.
I am still a crazy girl who likes loud music & too many drinks on a saturday night. I still like a good time & to laugh so much it hurts the next day.
But I'm a woman who has been burned, fuck, who hasn't ? So, consequently, I'm jaded, bittered by the sound of the words I wrote in the past about people I truly loved. I have written a thousand poems but few are here to see. They will never all be here, never, so don't worry. It's okay, you won't have to comment on every thought that ever ran through my twisted mind or my broken heart or my wounded pride. By the way I am writing this right now, for you, this is not poetry.
Just to prove it, here are a few more random things, I like horror movies, I like the absence of color which is black, smoking weed in the morning or well, anytime really. Good beer, vodka and/or whiskey. I am an artist in every way, but hey, aren't we all to some degree ? Painting, singing, writing, well, it all just comes naturally. As it is. For you, dear reader, only for you to see is this description of me which is not poetry.  

Mistress CeCe

Ps...If you'd like to see more of me here are your links...

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