CandyDragonBreath (Jessica Diane Ross)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (1)
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Member Since 5th March 2013
CandyDragonBreath joined 4140 days ago and last visited 3901 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I tend to let the fade linger The fade being the clear or clearly the inbetween.  Reality     Dreaming.... This is when all my demons are most comfey. This is when I bleed, and when when I'm done, it should be turned to diamonds. Clearly.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Shakespeare.Edgar Allen Poe.Seuss.Tim Burton.

About Me

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I am, in fact, [positively] so down in the fucking depths that I feel deceased. I feel I am the hollow woman. I feel I am here to condemn thee to their very own "special little ending."