
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (7)
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Age 32
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 25th April 2013
Burson joined 4089 days ago and last visited 4002 days ago
Comments 6
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Poet Introduction


Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe, H.P Lovecraft, Fyodor Dostoevsky

About Me

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Hello, my name Burson and I think of myself as a decent poet. I'm not here to make a name for myself, nor trying to purposely change someone's life, I'm here simply to share my thoughts, given advice on ways to improve, and maybe even make a few friends.

Briefly, this is how i got into poetry in the first place:

  I started reading poetry in 2004 after my parents divorced, poems gave me not only a short escape from reality, but also dreams to someday write my own poetry. I had always thought about writing poems that would not be about random things such as the spider climbing on my window, they would describe how I felt about politics, human nature, and even love. Always thought about it, but never started because I wasn't inspired.    

  Until one day on September 2008, I had been dumped by my ex in a most horrible manner, the depression I now had, inspired me to write poetry. Since then, I had took control of it and writing is now both a hobby, and the ultimate way to express myself.

Poets I Follow
