
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (7)
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Member Since 5th April 2014
Brutis joined 3747 days ago and last visited 3653 days ago
Comments 7
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Poet Introduction

a cluster #uc% of emotions lol

About Me

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I am a man built like a locomotive strong and powerful. People see me as a brute but really I am small. I am not allowed to show weakness or insecurity I must always be strong. I am 6'1" 240lbs I work out all day and dream at night. My dream is to find someone that see's me for me and not the person I appear to be. I have my tattoos my piercings and strength but I am tired of being strong. when I write I feel so much better like weight is lifted off of me and I am no longer drowning in my own madness.

My Reading List

If You Were To Leave (A Secret House Poem) by Page_Writer (Paige Rider)