BloodMachine (Das Wolf Doebler)

Lost Thinker
United States
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Member Since 2nd February 2011
BloodMachine joined 4902 days ago and last visited 4553 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Das Wolf

Favorite Poets/Writers

Clive Barker, Steve Alten, Tom Gabriel Fischer,

About Me

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I am Das Wolf Doebler, I am the vocalist for the  black/dark metal band Blood Machine.( for those of you who are into metal) Writing has been an important part of my life since I was seven or so. I started out with poetry, but as I grew older and interested in music, I became mostly a song writer and began my music career as a bassist, but also wrote the songs for every band I was in. Now days, I am a song writer first, poet second. I also dabble in fictional writing and have about three books that are always on the back burner, but someday I'll finish them. I've come aboard here to post some of my private poems, Blood Machine song lyrics, miscl. song lyrics, and so on. And to hopefully enjoy some of the other poets here.

My Reading List

Hostile Witness. by AlecBell
God versus Satan by ClaireGPoetry

Poets I Follow
