
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (4)
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Age 44
Relationship Status Other
Member Since 10th July 2013
Bliss joined 4026 days ago and last visited 4017 days ago
Comments 6
Forum Posts 2
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I'm new to this site.  I do write poems but have only shared with a few friends.  I appreciate any comments or feedback on my postings.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Blake, Robert Frost, May Swenson, EE Cummings

About Me

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I'm a 33 year old busy mom, carving out time to find myself again.  I recently resurrected my interest in reading and writing poetry.  Love this site!

My Reading List

When She Shows Me by runningturtle87
Tomorrow by Chiyo (Miss Chi)
Asking and Receiving by runningturtle87
For Clarity's Sake by runningturtle87

Poets I Follow
