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Member Since 1st June 2012
BlackHeartBleeds joined 4415 days ago and last visited 4344 days ago
Comments 30
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Poet Introduction

Ohayou! Its another Emo i know, but im more hyper and fun loving. I mostly write about love and dark things ect. I also write along of songs so I hope you like them!

About Me

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Ohayo! Hmm alittle about me...Well Im a young poet and I love to write about Love, Despair, Anger, other things that dont really relateto any of the topics here. im a fun out going person! Emo (not reallly a lable but short for Emotional so thats me )Im an artist and a singer, Art is my passion but Poetry helps me through my depression so here i am! Hope you guys enjoy my poems!

My Reading List

Full Reading List
The Strangers Masquerade by MasqueradePrince
Fuck It by hatterwithhorns (Julian)
sing me a memory by hatterwithhorns (Julian)
desolation memories by hatterwithhorns (Julian)
Words which burn by nikkimoe
Relief Comes After Pain by AngelicDaemon

Poets I Follow
