
Twisted Dreamer
1awards United Kingdom
Read Poems (25)
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Member Since 20th November 2013
Belladonna-Dreams joined 3880 days ago and last visited 3717 days ago
Comments 63
Forum Posts 13
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Poet Introduction

I am just starting out really.  In my teens I would casually write poems from time to time, then of course life happened.  Now I am a mother with a wealth of life experience behind me, I feel inspired to get back to writing.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Jim Morrison, Christy Brown, Henry Vaughan, Seamus Heaney

About Me

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I am not depressed,
but I have been
Not suicidal,
but I have been
Not alone,
but I have been
Not dead,
but I have been

I am lost, I am found
press my ear
upon the ground
I am love, dash of hate
I seek not
to emulate
For I am...

Belladonna Dreams

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Baptized by BlackSoul
Circles by absinthe
Her Name Was Angel by Awakenedsoul
My Love by BlackSoul
INFINITY by DarkEnchantress
Wolf by bro (brookethewerewolf)

Poets I Follow
