
Strange Creature
Read Poems (3)
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Member Since 23rd April 2012
ApathyKillsKid joined 4459 days ago and last visited 3984 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Sometimes when I write I barely think and it ends up on the page.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Sylvia Plath

About Me

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So I'm dyslexic and disgraphic...yet somehow I have to write. Writings not exactly a choice for me, it's a release. If I dont write, I gain a slightly more dangerous edge to my "releases".
"18 without a care or direction"...yeah I wish! Although sometimes being intense and driven does have its advantages. Im a film maker by trade, although I still have to sit my end of school exams this years. I love a bit of feedback so don't be shy...but don't be nasty either! Thank you.
Mostly I write without pause and I don't usually edit. What you see is what you get. It's the 1st and only draft. It means something when it raw. Overcooked is over rated.

My Reading List

~Epiphany~ by michaelsbearre