
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (8)
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Member Since 16th July 2013
AbdulBatinOsmanBey joined 4010 days ago and last visited 4003 days ago
Comments 21
Forum Posts 9
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Poet Introduction

I am a creative poet who writes about wide variety of subjects from the abstract to the erotic and that's inbetween. I hope you enjoy my writings and I hope to make some new friends.

Favorite Poets/Writers

H.P.Lovecraft,William S.Burroughs, Walid al-Taha

About Me

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My name is Abdul Batin Osman Bey I am a Moorish-American poet, musician, creation stepper, and all around freelance liver. On this page you will find my poetic writings, I started this blog to help consolidate on my writings that I have scattered all over the web. Within my work I write about a wide range of topics such as Anarchy, Pancakes, Spirituality, and every day living. I hope you enjoy my work. Please feel free to make comments, suggestions, and friendships. If you use any of my poetry for any reason all that I ask is that you give me credit and let me know.
May your days be blessed,
Abdul Batin Osman Bey