2school2care (Sinchris)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (16)
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Birthday 18th July
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Member Since 12th February 2012
2school2care joined 4527 days ago and last visited 4002 days ago
Comments 15
Forum Posts 2
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Poet Introduction

I don't claim to be special, I don't clame to be new, I just claim to have an imagination

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Frost

About Me

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Hey guys! Um, I'm a teenage boy who occasionally gets a spike of inspiration, or creativety, and decides to splay it into rhyme. Nothing special. Nothing new. :)

My Reading List

It felt like heaven by 666gothchick (Paulina Dionne)
If I Died Tonight by xxkassidy (KC Fietek)
If I ever would by LostInTheCrowd

Poets I Follow
