13blueyes13 (michael g m)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
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Member Since 15th May 2011
13blueyes13 joined 4800 days ago and last visited 3588 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Not your average poet;             not your average poetry

Favorite Poets/Writers

Favorites? None. I avoid fiction. Why?..fuckin' learning disabilities; that's why

About Me

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Not your average poet; not your average poetry

I am not the kind of person who just goes with the flow...'cause it either flows down into a cesspool, or straight to the Conformist river-way system; which empties right out into the Great Sea of Stupidity

A few years ago, I woke up one morning with an ability to see the truth. Some people might think that's a good thing. However, I see it in situations where I'd rather not see it, as well as in situations where it doesn't want to be seen. So far, this ability seems a hell of a lot more like a disability. To make matters worse, I've developed a perverse compulsion to write about it in poetic form! In all reality, it feels like I've been damned by some kind of curse.
Most of my work pertains to society, drug addiction, middle age dating and some of the relationships formed by the dating process. I am far from a literary scholar...and I have absolutely no desire to even remotely resemble one. If I had to describe my writing style, I'd say that it's pretty goddamn straightforward with a conversational narrative. It's just that I don't want any fluffy imagery clouding the view. Yeah, I'm well aware that my methods for writing poetry seem a bit different; but I just happen to like different anyway

                -Blessed by a curse-  

Some poets pen the battles distressing the soul
we see the pain making one feel less than whole

a kind of insight that I'd often rather not believe
hexed by abilities most people cannot conceive

maybe it'd be worth it for a little fame and cash
just one more idle thought that's gone in a flash

I found that poetry can cause women to undress!
words got me laid; but added drama with stress

so what to do with a curse that won't disappear?
and will I have to write this shit year after year?!

Continuous acceptability of mediocrity only lowers the standards for all that is mediocre

If one can get to know their fears intimately...one's fears transform into wisdom

Forgive what you want to forget

The most debilitating fear that exists...is fearing what others think of you

Your vision of Heaven...is certain to be someone's version of Hell

If one always tends to go with the flow...one's intelligence will never exceed a mob mentality.

If you deny or haven't come to terms with your past's tragedies...tragedy will always follow while another lays in wait

Some people say that a penis has a mind of it's own ...but no one has ever said the heart has brains

Modern man is the only species ever to exist instilled to ignore, deny, fantasize and avoid...reality

If fantasy is involved in everything that one finds fun to do...one does not have real fun

If anyone thinks they're normal...I don't want to be anything like them

A bleeding heart drains blood from the brain

The omission of truth is nothing but a lie

Political correctness is really just the government enforcing lobotomies on mainstream society

Q.) How is it possible to fear someone you love?
A.) It's not love

Trust no one 'til you know better

The lack of a will to change prevents emotional balance, cripples intelligence and disables the ability to learn

When you expect people to be like you think they should be...everyone will disappoint you

Facebook...the land where people are just looking to be offended

Never think it's impossible just because you can't imagine it

The biggest mistake made by a majority of those who practice religion...they don't realize that sins can only be truly absolved by receiving forgiveness from those whom they have sinned against

-Rainbows and red hot souls-
To experience the things that really make life beautiful ...one must first experience something that makes Hell horrific  

We hate ourselves less...'cause we hate others more

-It is what it is; not-
Your very own reality is not exactly what you think it is. If you actually did realize what everybody ever thought about you, from the convenience store cashier to your friends and family, you would become mentally overwhelmed, and reality would shatter. Fortunately there are two main bonding agents that hold reality together; denial and optimism. So the more optimistic one is, the better their reality is.

Six beliefs needed to make one whole
1) love
2) self
3) conscience/soul
4) fact
5) science
6) spirituality/karma

-Democracy or delusion?-
If our votes could change the government ...the government would ban us from voting

-Endless possibilities-
Accept the impossible and anything becomes possible

-Obsolete is absolute-
The core beliefs that govern your life...need to be routinely checked, updated and sometimes even deleted

-Forever in embers-
A lifelong fear of death and Hell...is a self-imposed sentence to an eternity in Hell

-Vanity for humanity-
At least half of the reason why someone feels good...is because of how good they feel about their physical appearance. In other words; looks really do matter

-The Cosmos is pissed at society!-
We are so concerned about the concept of happiness...most people's subconscious is in a continuous state of turmoil trying to remain happy or to find 'happiness'. To the vast majority of people living in today's mainstream society, happiness is achieved by wealth, strength, success, beauty, status, material possessions, travel, leisure, love, friendship, companionship, sex, alcohol, drugs, along with a few other various ways to mentally stimulate one's state of 'bliss'. With a gut need to always want joy, we exaggerate the level of happiness associated with our experiences. And yet, at this moment in time, if every adult citizen in mainstream society could be combined to make up the personality of one human being, such a person would be remembered as the most miserable, whiny, helpless, self-centered douche-bag this earth has ever had to put up with!

"Religion is for people who are afraid of going to Hell... Spirituality is for those who have already been there." -Vine Deloria, Sioux-

"I stand by what I say...not what you choose to understand"  -words to this effect quoted from a source I forgot-

I really like being a member of DUP...it does me well. But check out this other site for aspiring writers...it has a lot to offer, and there's cash prizes awarded! http://www.vipinked.com/

I welcome and appreciate any feedback; good or bad. Thanks for stopping by and feel free to send a private message.

Check out my online newspaper, "NEWS OR NOT". It's not for the mainstream mindset. Updated every morning, seven days a week. It's a compilation of articles from around the globe that cover everything from odd human interest stories to current news and trends. If you'd like to submit anything of interest, send me an email through the newspaper or just pm me here. Here's a link to "NEWS OR NOT": http://paper.li/f-1380727770

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