It Started With A Bath...

There, I was finally ready.  It had taken a lot of planning and thinking about how this might work, how I hoped it would work.  As I set out the last few candles, I smiled and sighed.  Tomorrow would be the day.

This was not to be a normal date, but a special day, all for you.  Everything being done was for your pleasure, and your pleasure alone.  I wasn't concerned about my own.  You, you were all that mattered to me. In pleasing you, I was also pleased.  Oh, how my heart soared at the thoughts of being able to please you in a most unique way.

Sleep was not an easy thing being this excited, but I managed a few hours.  Was up early, baking and cooking, doing the final walk thru of my little home to make sure everything was just right.  I turned on the shower, stepping in, feeling the warm water run over my body, pretended it was your hands and loved every second of your touch.  Washed my hair with an organic, pleasantly fragrant shampoo and as it rinsed out, I washed my body with it also.  After my shower, I cleaned the tub and laid out new towels, specially purchased for this night.  One of the new bath sheets was gently folded, a heating pad put in the middle fold and then placed in a plastic bag.  Oh, how I wished I had a real towel warmer to use, but this would have to do.

In the bedroom,  I laid another new towel, in your favorite color, on top of the blankets on the bed.  Reaching for a mixing bowl, I took it to the bathroom, filling it with hot water.  Carefully I carried it back to the bedroom and set it on a table.  Into the water went 2 bottles of oil.

My hair dry, soft and smooth, I pulled it back and tied it with a leather strip, then donned my favorite silky, a short black one, it just covered me.  You would be here soon!

In the bedroom, I started the stereo with soft, relaxing music, not at all what I usually listened to but how I wanted you to feel.  As I turned, I saw myself in the mirror.  I sighed and sadly smiled, I did not consider myself at all beautiful and wished that, for you, I was.

You knocked at the door and I skipped quickly to it, taking a deep breath before opening it.  There you were, so handsome, strong...not only in muscle but in self.  I so loved you and hoped you would understand about tonight.  There were so few ways for me to show you how I felt.  After all, words can be empty.  I stepped back, welcoming you into my home.  "Thank you for being on time" was all I said as I took your jacket.  There were snacks and a cup of tea for you to enjoy while I got the bath ready for you.  With the water filling the tub, I went out to you, "please come with me".  You followed me down the hall, I had not told you what I had planned.

When you walked into the bathroom, you found many candles lit, could hear the soft music and looked with interest at the plastic bag with cord running from it.  I turned, never looking up at you, but keeping my head bowed in respect as I reached up to help you out of your clothes.  "I will only speak when spoken to tonight".  I could feel my hands shake as I undid your belt and pants, pushing them down your long legs.  Already, you were excited, but I ignored this, for the time being.

I reached into the tub to feel the water and turned it off, adding a bit of bath salt, then swept my hand, directing you to enter.  Slowly you sat in the warm water, sighing at the warmth.  The candles gave such a glow and cast shadows as I reached for a cloth and sponge, then the best soap I could buy was rubbed on the sponge before I touched you.  Slowly I poured a glass of the warm water over your shoulders, following with the sponge, rubbing in circles as I heard you moan softly.  You must have had a hard day at work.  I smiled to myself as I washed your back.  Then put one hand softly on your shoulder, pushing you upright so I could also wash your chest.  Once done there, I tilted your head back and poured water over your hair, using a very nice shampoo, I slowly massaged it into your hair and scalp.  Once rinsed, I moved  a bit so I could reach your feet and legs.  You never said a thing but seemed to enjoy the soft attentions of my hands on your body.  When your feet and legs were washed and rinsed, I pulled the plug and let the water start to drain.  You stood as I reached for the plastic bag and removed a warmed towel to dry and wrap you in.  I could almost hear you smile when I wrapped that warm towel around you!  It made me smile.  Slowly I reached up to touch your arm and turn you to follow me.

This was your first visit to my little home and I wanted it to become a memory for you.  The bedroom door was opened, the music became clearer and you found a matching towel on the bed, I motioned for you to lay on it and helped you with the now damp towel that was dropped to the floor.  "Please lay face down" was all I said and you positioned yourself.  I turned to get some hair conditioner and heard "Remove your clothes".  I did as you said, put a bit of conditioner in my hands and rubbed them together, stood by your head and started massaging your head once more, this time also paying attention to your ears and temples.

Slowly I got on the bed and straddled you and started to massage your shoulders and neck.  As I leaned forward, my breasts brushed your back and your eyes opened quickly.  "Shhhh" was all I said as I continued working the tightness from your body.  As I worked down your back, I wiggled further down your legs, the warmth of your body....oh, it felt so good and my body was reacting to this.  Getting off the bed, I worked on your legs, first one then the other, hearing your moans and feeling you relax.  When I got to your feet I asked you to roll onto your back, which you did, watching my every move.  With eye contact, I lifted one foot, slowly pulling each toe and wiggling it, then working my fingers into your foot and sole.  As I worked up your foot to your ankle, you slowly closed your eyes.  Good, you were relaxing again.  That is when I sucked your big toe into my mouth, smiling around it.

I sucked each toe, licked your soles and nibbled my way up and around your ankles.  Your pulse quickened.  Back to massage, working my way up your legs, licking the back of your knee and nibbling up your thigh.  Needless to say, I could tell you were a bit excited.  Ignoring this most obvious sign, I got on the bed again, this time at your side, picking up your right hand adding a bit of warmed oil to the palm, started working the kinks out of your hand and fingers.  Then sucked on each finger, again causing your body to respond. My tongue and lips continued their way up your muscular arm as my fingers did also.

My breasts hung while my tongue and lips moved up your shoulder and neck to your ear, grazing your arm.  My nipples getting hard as they slowly dragged their way up your arm, the rest of my body on edge.  My heart was pounding, so wanting your touch, your first touch but keeping my mind on the job at hand, the job of pleasing you as you have never been pleased before.  Mouth to ear, I sucked your earlobe, gently nipping at it, then allowed my tongue to trace your ear, hearing you moan softly pleased me.  Again, my hands worked on your scalp, massaging, pulling your ears, gently rubbing your temples, I leaned down allowing my lips to touch yours.  Breaking the kiss off before more happened than I wanted right then, I again straddled your body, you watching me position myself, my hands on your shoulders, again massaging.  Smiling down at you, I slowed wiggled down your body, stopping only when I felt your erection against my opening.  There I sat, finally speaking "I hope I have pleased you".  You had to be able to feel my wetness, you had to, as it was leaking from me so wanting you to be deep inside me, claiming me as yours.  I could feel your erection taking on life of its own, throbbing, wanting itself in a hot dark place that was so very close, but so far away.  Wiggling and adjusting my position a bit, your smooth head found its home and I gasped at the feeling of you.  A feeling I had wanted for so long.  Slowly I slid down its length, my breath catching at the intense feeling of you filling me up, holding my breath I pushed down firmly, encasing all of you in my hot wetness.  It was all I could do to breathe, I was truly impaled on your beautiful cock, back arched, head back, sitting on your thighs and feeling your balls pressed against my butt.  Time stood still for me, my heart pounding, slowly I was able to breathe, lift my head and look at you.  Before my eyes opened, you let out a sound as if held inside too long, a low moan-growl.

Our eyes met for the first time and held each others with a tension and passion yet to be known.  Slowly your hands reached for my hips, as to hold me or guide me.  I reached down to hold those hands at their first real touch and smiled.  With no warning you thrust your hips up, forcing yourself further inside me when I didn't believe it possible.  A scream erupted from my very center and you held me tighter so I couldn't move, tears welling in my eyes, my breathing ragged.  "This will be done my way" was all you said as you pushed me off you.

In moments I was on my back and you seemed to hover above me.  Your eyes glared at me, but behind them, I also saw a spark of...what, I wasn't sure.  You slowly released your breath and held my wrists near my head.  I could feel myself tremble at your strength and power, more than just muscle.  Slowly you lowered your head til our noses almost touched.  A tear ran out the corner of my eye, the thought came to me that I had not, at all, pleased you and I was terrified.  I closed my eyes, afraid of you and this intensity I was feeling.  Then your lips touched mine, softly, then firmer, demanding.  Tongue forced my lips apart, and I opened my mouth to accept yours.  Moans escaped me as you claimed my mouth, every nerve on end, experiencing feelings I had never known, never imagined!

"Roll over" was all you said as you moved your body from mine.  I did as told.  You quickly took my wrists and held them above my head, my face in blankets, then as quickly your knees forced my legs apart.  I gasped, afraid of what was going on, afraid as I had no control over anything.  You positioned yourself, the tip of your hard cock against my pussy.  While I was afraid, my pussy was ready, already wet, eager for you.  You pushed yourself partway in and stopped.  My heart pounding, mind reeling, all senses on alert.  Your breath hot on my ear.  Your heart pounding with mine.  With no warning, you thrust yourself completely inside me.  I screamed as my body was set afire.

Over and over you thrust into me.  Over and over I orgasmed like I never had before.  More than once I came, my juices making me wetter, easier for you to continue pounding into me.  Your breath was ragged, your grip on my wrists strong, holding me in place.  One last hard thrust and I felt your body tremble, your cock pulse and throb, shooting your cum deep into me.  Still inside me, you released my wrists and simply sank onto me, panting.  Again our hearts pounded as one.  We were both spent.

We finally parted as you rolled off of me and lay on your back, still breathing heavy.  I didn't dare move, partly because I still believed I hadn't pleased you, partly because I didn't want to lose the feeling, the most wonderful feeling of being claimed.  "Face me" you finally said and slowly I rolled over to look at you, fear in my eyes and heart.  You put your arm out, "come" and I laid next to you.  Your arm went around my shoulders, my head on your shoulder.  You started stroking my hair, what a wonderful feeling.  With that I dared to put my arm over your body.  I closed my tear filled eyes and tried to relax.  I was so on edge that when your hand touched my arm, I jumped.  You looked at me, a strange look, you sighed and I felt you shake your head.  "You have pleased me in more ways than anyone else ever has".  With your words, tears started flowing again and you wiped them away with your fingers.  "Shhh, rest now and know you are mine, always and forever".
Written by Amazon
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