Animals Don't Do This. But They Really Should.

What did you expect me to dare to do? You rightfully deduced, I was tightly boosting clues.
With second sight I mulled and seduced a haunted crown. When ensnared in a noose before you threw the gauntlet down.
This rompous ruckus I found? Stomps heads full of crotchety shit. Like the Federal Budget Caucus in the first off round!

Bolder to slay marred on this roll. I overpaid Charon’s toll.
Soldier the days to jar and drop bombs to console!
My soul twirls to hold and whirl whole worlds!

Mapping tapestries in wrathful sprees and fast blasts coming undone.
Disperses verses hotter than huddling with the sun.
Befuddled and spun like Flash Gordon set to run.

To the next nearest star to me.
I invest in daily practice to match this graphic and slay intergalactic for free.
A message to Alpha Centauri: For drunken Vulcan E.T.’s with D.T.’s who want to spar with me?
I have a mouthful of war like Ares!
My fray makes a Super-Cray look like an Atari!

So I never hurry or worry for holes in the story.
‘Cause I’m clever and sure of my glory!
When weathered hymns spritz like crimson mist.
And I trip the rift like a hippie driving a lorry!

Backrhymes fast roll past time. Like a teenager in a DeLorean!
There’s always more behind these scenes!

Slack unwinds vast and divine.
Rocking to re-tool the old school.
Dropping these jewels as dirty pool to mock fools.
My unruly displays split molecules.

Re-fuel the worst ways of the first days with fireburst sprays!
Self-schooled to replace misrule with grace and ridicule!
Even tipping whole tradition. I’m tired of being wound like a wire on a spool.
Entirely I’ll astound like a vampire’s ghoul.

Pounding stakes into his master’s face while flames wake.
A crown of holly thorns to incinerate.
Extended testaments to reveal I’m no Renfield.
This lettered man of Zen is untethered and too real!
Conceal in rhyme? Nah, I peel back my mind what I FEEL!
No shield-

To what’s fine and raw. No time for the law.
Take it straight on track. Like lime and tequila!
Fishing for rust and ardor.
A whiff of blood for a rusty shark splarging the shore.
Sniffing for more. Like a journalist of war. From 2044!

Quick to come unglued I’m betwixt with an errant view.
Like the clairvoyant few.


A ride aside on that one just for you…
Sparing what’s churning and needling me, internal bleeding, heed this weary hue for a mirror view:

What is my purpose on this Earth? Am I sure of it past the allure of service
And pure clairvoyance?
Curing with voices,
Words poised to avoid the annoyance of malnourishment.
Works employ mirth to enjoy the birth of personal achievement.
A perk to play while evolving original appeasement out of subliminal bereavement.
It’s just my steeze to be feeding the mist, reading the gist, believing in this.
Seeing enough to be free from self-trust.
Seething because I must
Be leaving the measly-viewed easy clues of sheeple-fleecing behind.

Fucking try to net this, pious zealots who are always trying to unwind what Jesus meant by combining the blind creeds of men and the lines of “Needs as Sin”.
Absconding wishful thinking cleaving us in, vicious intuition beginning again.
Nada mas sense.
People decide what is a sin based on what’s without and within, hurting in THEM.

Quick to chide, victors to victims deride.
Flickering fingers to spy on a limb, divide kin, ride suspected friends when crying hurtful intent.
People aren’t always right. Assumptions lead to fights.
Presumptions like prevenge often hinge on terrors without light, errors lent where impaired passion is misspent.

Massive energy is lost in the breeze in self-costing prophecies.
Corruption lumped in with the missed vision of derision dumps into much cringing.
But if you have the gumption to declare ignorance without fright and man up to self-luminescence every night?
Then you can plan on matters granting you stature in height.
And stand to grow wiser than any miser who rises at first light.

Victory from mental might, pride without sleight.
BUUUT even this sight won’t change or rearrange the plight that people decide what is a sin, based on THEM.

The devilment of commonsense from half a glance past the wrath of chance and a psychocrass’s plans?
I’m setting precedents for degenerates’ resplendent relapses.
Outlasting reverent intent for unfettered descent.
Better early spent than unsurely lent for purely nonsense penance.

Such omni-development as penance makes me wilt see.
This unpardoned artist is guilty of getting filthy.
But if I’m culpable with a full clip?
I’ll be the one to pull that sinking schooner quick!
Dark notes and ruddy throats make me cut a rug like a tug boat
Dancing through the harbor with ardor to slip
Mulling over the better bits.
Huddled like survivors in a sinking ship.

Always allow perspectives to change from a collective range of curious observation.
Begin outside of mental factions, emotional reactions, subliminal traction
Before words play like waves splashing to set to flame paper like planes crashing.
OOOrrrrrr be trapped in the PAST without realization of passion!

Self-created frames rarely outlast the expectation of pain from bloody hand gashes.
A muddy landing without friction planned in?
Crucifixion’s span flickers understanding like the wick of a candle without a handle
risks the missed vision of wisdom--                    
When carried through the Christian-Enriched burning of the Library of Alexandria!

Relic tyrants throats stroked so close with garrotes.
A spastic gasping in lieu of a note. Oh!
The noises that matter the most!
A weapon of God made you a church tool?
A desire for freedom, a hunger to drool turned me into an outlaw’s rule, a heretic’s quest for jewels.

Handling with discretion this ANIMAL INTERJECTION - and riding back to mention and un-HIJACK back from SUSPENSION -

Wary intention to track that blast of the mind to backrhyme and pick up slack this time…  
Whiffing the gore, not miffed and sore…                      
...Nor am I missing much of what I held back in store…
Sniffing for more. Like a journalist of war. From 2044!

Set my sights in lore to cure the unease I have in a diseased future.
Suture those wounds too soon.
Swooning unstable, from a zoom on what’s swept under the table.
Gushing from so much rushing in lore.
I’m something from a fable
Smoother than Clark Gable!

I’m showered in in magic and scouring tactics to stay self-enabled.
But no buncha mantras to carry and spare to all of ya’
Like hunches even compares to the LUMPS I’ve taken from being sunken.

So as it gets late I’m not afraid to debate and slay.
I’m set to spray and munch on punks.
I’m punch-drunk and quick to dismiss a whole fiery mangled desire-entangled candle flick of quips real quick!

I’ll pause not to resolve but only to solve by
Licking my lips to get more tipsy before my mistress
For another trip to the clitoris to refill my tongue like it was a sponge so porous!

A fascination fountain that’s fast filling chasms of grace when a man takes
A spot to rock his woman’s orgasm straight to the face.
Slips of wit are gifts to those of us who reciprocate!

So 69 bars of rhyme spill out of me sometimes.
I can’t blotter it all after a waterfall
But that’s the extended spasms of epiphany from empathy orgasms, stick with me…
Because I’m slick and true and my building spells with each missive I kiss like William Tell…
Well, they never miss too!
Uh, they never miss AS WELL.
I’m off the SHELF with mental wealth and developments that run cred under for stealth!

Quick to come unglued I’m betwixt with an errant view. Like the clairvoyant few.
I’m not  paranoid-poisoned. But aware of what’s been cordoned and avoided.
It’s not ordinary noise this poise and tarry voice has employed to carry choice and expose chodes!
Like exploding Freudian androids!
It’s an allure to stir like the tabloids.
Except my blur is real and cold. Like steel and gold, alloyed!

The Cure? From the earlier verbal blur?
It’s something I’m sure of.
But don’t be annoyed with all that “On the side”.
Because as the Cure said “Boys Don’t Cry”.

I have more rock to handle, than Cocker Spaniels.
Chopped and mangled.
In back alley buffets. Served to PETA parades.
As Chinese food mislaid on display.

You’ve never heard it before! But you’ll hear it from me.
Without fear I’ll give it for free.
Re-twirl it, unfurl and implore.
To retime it to an undeniable spree.

Because what I’m addled to feel inside?
Rusts a battlefield I can’t hide.
Trust in prattle to reveal and vibe.
Match this chronic rap shit.
Ironic and graphic. Hypnotic and spastic.
Like a knotted pendulum.
To spike I fought with my pen all spun.
Psychotics tend to fall for call-outs blunt.
Improbable optics lent for those spent…
Still crawling to the front!

I never want to repeat a sound that I can’t expand to expound.
Handle better in the next round.
Whenever beats are found?
If I’m near to clown then I’m here and down

Steady head with vast RAM and fast hands to catch some cheddar so fine when I spray
Like Lilly Led Better, ‘09, set for equal pay!
So in my span letters hit the lotto.
Untethered staccato frets blur in flow.
Dropping the beat, rocking slow!

A headful of feats, dreadful to give cred and get sped up.
And move feet around.
Follow this sound,
Like hollow point rounds.

To remake the dreamscape.
Keep those bulletcases full of japes.
And slow harm by farming them into Sleepy Hollow’s ground.
For discards to harmony to astound when re-found!

I’m just an outspoken unmodelled scamp.
Trusting in broken bottle stamps.
Busting and invoking scary whims in advance.
Like FEMA financed American Death Camps!

Triggered chops figure from top. Jigga-pop!
A bigger drop. Quicker when you flop.
Not every day is the same mantra.
Sometimes you sound off like you wanna’.
Other rhymes you scrounge. Or find what’s around
Only winds down with marijuana.

Beholden ganja scopes the core, holding on. Enveloping lore.
Unfolding songs for the coping poor.
Remolding Psalms like the Golden Dawn. Opening doors.
Exposed some more, still soldiering on.

Zapping flares without a care on a lark? Napping unaware while action out there has us worn to shards? Does it happen to scare ya? Then it’s on the mark.

“Captain America’s been torn apart/Now he’s just a court jester with a broken heart.”

How to bust this sort of treasure token in the dark?
Wow, trust is short! Check your shit with remote starts!
Not allowed to abort measures in outspoken art!

So I’m set to cut loose.
Expect the pain to form a rising swell.
Indebted to the noose.
Inspect my blues.
Checking on “why’s” and wary of being blinded as well.
Get used to letting go of lies dealt.
Hungering to figuring this.
Wrecked and abused.
Setting my eyes to the very HORIZON of Hell!
I refuse to edit myself!
To comfort your ignorance.
Like stupid fuckers who are used to being suckers.
And choose to be stuck in the blur.
Aware of nothing shifty in indecent grime.
Declaring and trusting “The 50’s were a more innocent time.”
Ensnared in gushing trickery in increments unwinds.
Beware I’m not bluffing!

These slick sprees of development?
Free them quickly for me, distinct.
We can be 360 degrees to the brink.
And you can see what didn’t miss me.
Unwind to battle with time travel is a colder wink.
But I’m bolder, no soldier but a mercenary minstrel.
I overthink, urgently, wary and whimsical!

I’ll spit for 60 minutes suspenseful!
I’ve seen infinite potential!
Shifting whence I roll from desire
Reamed from unlimited reprehensible liars
To rot unto a motley sepulcher!
So it’s incidental I’ll take this scene to fire
Shots over the entire pop culture!
Rock my spot and get wired to vamp like a vulture
And stamp that shit into mulch for sure!
‘Cause I’m what gave the belly of the beast an ulcer!

I’m the disturbed disaster, nerd rapper!
Reading between the lines, hurdling chapters!
Feeding my mind, it’s the world I’m after!
I deserve stature!
Shown to win like a roaming Ronin, I serve no master.
This flow isn’t just a hymn to show
I’m a pro at staying in the spin from go
Like Yojimbo!


Rounding whole visions of solar systems and going too far.
I thought I was done with this sound at a thousand bars.
I fought to come down but I can’t hide from her!
I can’t fight Epiphany. SHE’s the driver, I’m just the car!
Checking me for frets to free.
If Goddesses are set for me, I’ll be running slack and coming back for Persephone!

Lightning distilled into frightening skills.
Blaring away rage with soaring rock.
Like Faraday Cages absorbing shock.
Electricity courses through me.
Eccentric trickery dismissed forces shit, an enema of loose-leaf!

Trusting in complete rhymes to bust.
Cutting my feet on diamonds in the rough.
Mustering dead body piñata.
Candyland came to slaughter!

Hershey kisses spill from blistering wrists over-expanding with sticky stigmata!
Praying mantis mandibles sliced off the hands of underboss Hoffa
Before he’d cough up his candy quota.
Red hots peppering melted centres of Pop Tarts.
Perplexing towards purple veins formerly green,
Bursting at the seams.
Licorice thread sewing up clean.
Hurdle spare remains from moving trains,
Saccharine sweet blood gleans.
This flack attack we’re in? Good by me.

Trick or treat, you got skeletons in your closet?
I’m hungry to greet I can smell the heat off it.
Even a stone bleeds where it fits if honestly split enough.

Your demons come calling. You scream at ‘em often?
I hear you past the dulling wrath of Charon’s raft of river to rest everlast.
And his sails of sheets when you dream of ‘em.

Every night so near your fear feeds discrete like the beat of the street
Where the smells of whales beached in the heat and Hell’s defeat
Befell a Chaos Child at the feet
Of a hard-hearted hag, hard-hit mom fresh from Vietnam.
STILL unbeat all this time in the 949, turf without pity, surf city, Huntington Beach!

Nowhere in my zone of home, Dodge City a pity to dare will ANYone hear the Lord’s Prayer without FIRST Chaos to bear.
I stand clear at home!
After a mission to dethrone visions of derisions?
I escaped! Now grown with broken bones, I’ll lay waste
To all you atone-all-alone drones.
Self-flagellation as a statement of a nation died without pride in Rome!

It wasn’t built in a day of slaying.
Golden Guilds grew from tricks they played in.
Vics to exemplify quick. Maidens made and raised to edify and sacrifice slick.

Back to why I’m here, same time every year, slicing off your ears.
You’ll never again hear Disraeli Gears.
Never hear Clapton, rapping, fast metal or Poe.
The first with the thirst wasn’t Van Gogh.
The worst with the curse wasn’t Josip Broz Tito.

For terse verse entwining World War second and first with my horrorverse unwinding,
Dispersed like mustard gas under your chemical suit’s lining,
Hermetically immersed your skin will liquefy before the boils burst so why the whining?

Hard won under the gun like Atilla the Hun. Rendering enemy’s entire family legacies undone!
I’m way worse than Mao Tse Tung who’d hide behind his distant disguise.
I use my eyes to slice through lies!

I’m WILD with my tongue and women who can keep along.
Following animal song like Genghis Kahn!
Balancing strong, allowing wrong
To eugenically avow war-mongering into DNA.

Set on the slay-and-replace governing disgrace,
Dis-invent the fence, let-the-children stray play.
Tactical display of masterful Lao Tse’s Taoist outlaw ways,
Adapted into uncivil renewal forays.

Stuttering presidents, fluttering governments,
I’m studying over-sense and under-dollars
Like blunder-collars hacked up and smacked to pulp
By my bloody maulers.

Lives measured by lies and votes instead of years.
Congress reps sooo conscience-clear
So I’m cavalier over their carcass smear.

No room to regret or entomb what’s left.
Just leave the body mess where only contrabandistas-por-vida would expect.

Walking away to blaze.
Embrace the new day like a fader.
The original Hijo de Santa Ana so I’ll smoke marijuana when I wanna.

Later the crazed gators here in Venezuela
Will claim your bloody chest
And sludgy chunks of lifeless mileage if there’s any of you left.

The nations you burned without explanation?
Where SpecOps fought and were forgot can take your remains.
The swirling unfurling never wanes.
Alligators just patiently wait for rain.

No flooding Potter’s Fields.
It’s Muddy Waters down here where officially you never appeared.
The Amazon even the score with cleaving gore, eating more every year!
Written by LokiOfLiterati
Published | Edited 18th Feb 2013
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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