Image for the poem The Telling

The Telling

- The Telling -
A Telling of Myself and the Times I Live In

Child, come hither and hear this telling of mine,
From my birth as Disco was fading from time…
And my childhood when Metal Gods serenaded!
I would have you know much, and not be jaded.
From the hour of my birth, I felt I was a woman,
And so I became, though some did condemn…
My right to exist, even as freedom they lacked!
For my lifestyle and beliefs, I was even attacked.
But I overcame much, and crusaded for a cause,
Many accolades were mine, and some applause.
Penning poetry and creating art, my soul to show!
I had much to teach of joy, and even of sorrow…
Societies and orders I joined, of secrets learning,
Though nothing could quench a fire I felt burning.
I longed for love, and found a world of suffering,
From lovers who I thought would, my joy, bring.
In the end I found the joy I sought within myself,
And when I do find love, it will hold great wealth.
Not of monetary value, for economic times hard,
Came about in my lifetime, unsung of by any bard.
Rather love is something eternal, shining brightly,
Like the evening stars that shall come out nightly!
My birth was foretold and my mother frightened,
For the era I was born in was hardly enlightened.
She feared I was some demon-goddess incarnate,
Mayhap she was correct, and so here I do relate:
Things as only a goddess can behold and remark.
So give ear to my words, and of my voice so hark!
I saw my hometown many times draw near to ruin,
But the people bettered themselves, found within…
Some sort of courage I thought that they did lack,
And every time it brought better life teeming back.
Life is a cycle, child, and there is much to discover,
If you live it to the fullest, and are of joy, a lover!
Many in my generation were lonely, some shallow,
But I was not like them, for my spirit is not hollow.
Lady Gaga gave me courage; I was born this way,
Madonna’s words were like a prayer some pray…
I was different from the hour that I was conceived.
And I am content in this, and for all I so achieved!

This too I would have you learn, and so I teach,
I am a fallen angel though not come to preach…
But bound in flesh, and made to live many lives.
Understanding, I found, as my soul ever strives!
More than the woman you see before you here,
I am beyond the sum of my being, drawn near…
To glories and perditions, as was my generation!
We rocked and ruled, rebelled with celebration.
Blasting our music until our parents went insane,
They hated us for it, and the Devil tried to blame.
No sympathy for the fallen, nor accepting well…
That some souls burn hotter than fires from Hell!
Religion was not for me, as mankind creates it,
And so I crafted my own, and did as I saw fit…
Embracing: a spirituality that mankind cast aside.
Times change fast, but in my faith I ever abide…
For angels and goddesses keep me on my path,
Keeping my heart graceful and easing old wrath.
Many wars I saw in my lifetime, none for glory…
For oil, and for lies, leaders telling a false story!
Inept fools gave way to wiser leaders in the end,
But no leader could change, what war did rend.
When the towers fell, madness drove madness…
Whole nations were broken by hate and sadness.
I wept at the destruction I saw and that I heard…
For gone was wisdom, departed peaceful word,
Unspoken when sick torture replaced diplomacy.
Where had gone, true wisdom, or man’s dignity?
The one who perpetrated this lost all his power,
But his evil haunted our nation, to the final hour…
When a man who was far different took the oath.
Dark of skin, bright of spirit, light and dark both!
He leads us still as I pen this, a much better man,
Who ended a great evil that hid in a distant land!
But even so the future is not written upon stone…
And when I look to the future, I fear being alone.
In this world, thoughts can fly free in an instant…
Yet people are lonely, from an adult to an infant.
Machines get faster, evolution catches up swift…
And some are left behind, like rocks in the drift.

Was it easier in my teens, when life seemed fast?
I lived it so hard, and now it is gone to the past.
Old friends drifted apart, old pains that break…
Could not best me, but much from me, did take.
Time has healed many of the wounds rendered,
And my spirit is strong, for I never surrendered.
I am a warrior queen, and this too is my legacy:
All that I am and all I have witnessed of history!
Religious scandals, rocked the nation’s belief…
Some hoped the end, would ease of their grief.
But when no end came, as fools had foretold…
Life went on in the world that you now behold.
Some have called me a witch, and a sorceress,
But such as I did not cause humanity’s distress!
Fear and power, and greed were man’s bane…
When you grasp for too much, you never gain.
Such was society, until to the cliff they soared,
Those times were uncertain, of hollow accord.
But, all things change, for chaos is its’ nature…
This universe we live in, grown so very mature.
When you come of age, child, you will recall…
These words I have shared, of what did befall.
They made movies about wars in the stars, magic,
But wars are not like that; instead they are tragic.
From Vietnam to the Gulf, to distant Afghanistan!
War scars victims and victors, regardless of plan.
Whether fought in Bosnia or in your back yard…
Some battles are personal, and life can be hard.
Women today are warriors, as such we must be!
I embrace that role with joy, for it is my destiny.
Whether you are a boy or a girl, be your best…
Let nothing hold you back, and know life’s zest.
All of us are the future, all generations to come,
And all gone past, whether unborn or undone…
All are part of a greater whole, a turning wheel.
All, the universe is yours, if you let yourself feel!
Do not close yourself to all of life’s possibilities,
For when you cling to joy, you know infinities…
Of miracles and madness, but never aught dull.
When destiny calls you, do not resist its’ pull!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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