Confused about us

I love you
I care about you
I don't want you to get hurt
You love me
You care about me
You don't want me to get hurt
I never hurt you
You hurt me though
What did you do?
Behind my back you went
You flirted with our friend Chris
Why Would you do that?
Did you not know that would hurt?
I confronted you about it
And your answer was," I don't know"
How do you not know
I'm not taking that as an answer
I'm your wife
You're my wife
I have been faithful since the beginning
Here you are cheating on me
Tell me what did I do wrong?
I'm lost for words
I've given you everything you wanted
You know that
You're just a selfish person
Never satisfied with anything
Two can play at this game
Since I'm not that type of person
I'm not playing your game
You before deny the flirting
I can't believe this
I've seen it
I can't do this anymore
What are we?
I don't know
I'm confused about us now
Written by brokeninside2024 (Keeper of souls)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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