Trying to wake up

I'm laying in bed
Past out
I never want to leave my bed
Before I know it I hear beeping
I open my eyes
It's my alarm clock ringing
6am is flashing in blue
I'm to tired
Alarm I turn off
Literally turn off
7am comes around
I'm sleeping
Past out
Till my mom comes into my room
She sits beside me
Rubbing my back
Calling my name
Telling me I have to get up
I tell her I'm up
I don't want to move
I make an attempt though
She leaves my room
Out of bed I get
To the basket full of clothes I walk over to
Easily I pick out my clothes
I walk over to my bed
I feel like a walking zombie
Under my covers I get
Back to sleep I go
It's almost 9am
I'm sleeping
Past out
Until I hear my mom open my doors
Quickly I jump out of bed
She laughs
I laugh
I'm up I tell her
She closes my doors
Back to my bed I go again
Back to sleep I go
Past out
I open up my eyes
A brand new person is how I feel
In my mind no time has passed
Slowly I turn to look at my clock
I jump out of bed
The clock said 9:30am
My first period class has started
I rush to get dressed
In this process my phone rings
It's my mother
I answer it
I'm up I tell her
Downstairs I rush
The kitchen is where I find my mother
She takes one good look at me
Than asks if I want to stay home
I honestly had to debate that
Than I asked myself a question
What would Kelly say?
I already knew the answer
She'd tell me to come to school
So my mom drove me to the train
I made it to school
I was just in time for second period
Written by brokeninside2024 (Keeper of souls)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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