Illuminati ( educate yourselves)

I guess to those who have not come across this information yet, all that I am about to say would seem too paranoid and delusional to be true. No doubt history and social evolution has taught us that fear equals standing alone in the shadows of the judgemental emotive reactions of those who couldn't, even possibly begin to believe that they serve and fight to protect the same system that enslaves them.

Illuminati, are we just afraid of the name, or are we so caught up with our identification of our manipulated self that we just don't want to accept it? Of course I could add the argument of wether the illuminati actually exist, and all I can really say to that is grow the fuck up and look  at the backwards world we live in, and the symbolically obsessed individuals that place their all seeing eye signs, among others symbols everywhere (see link). We live in a world where the majority believe in order to gain peace we must fucking bomb and kill more innocent people! Collateral damage, greater good or liberation are terms thrown around by those moronically mind controlled Neanderthals that would probably tattoo their countries flag on their forehead if the government passed the law to do so. How liberated are the children and families of the recent gulf war alone, that have had their homes destroyed, families murdered and  tortured in allot of cases by this liberating force? Could these same Neanderthals look into the eyes of these children and say look i am sorry your family is dead but it's for the greater good and one day you will rejoice in the hypocrisy, oops I mean democracy that we will force your puppet government to enforce while behind the scenes we control all the natural resources your country has to offer.

Now here comes the paranoid delusional part!!! The world is controlled by insane satanic pedophiles who rape torture and kill children on a regular basis. These people are high initiate Freemasons and have their own hierarchy of power. What the illuminati do (inbox me for evidence, or just research it for yourself) is torture babies in the womb, with the use of cattle prods and concoctions of chemicals. ( see link 13 satanic bloodlines, formula for a total undetectable mind) These children once they are born are repeatedly subjected to sex, rape and grotesque torture from birth in order to break the mind into fragmented pieces ( MK Ultra mind control) Once this is achieved they, the controllers can rebuild their minds with alternate personalities, called altars and yes I am implying that the majority of pop celebrities are chosen from birth to be mind controlled, and further mind control the masses through the use of television and mass media. Although they are not limited to celebrities. Key political figures such as 33 of the presidents of the United States have been mind controlled altars (again evidence is at your fingertips).

Key bloodline Masonic families include but are not limited to the:
Rothschilds ( global banking and key illuminati new world order family, estimated to be worth in excess of 500 trillion dollars)

House of windsor( yes the British royal family are a satanic cult of blood drinking, child killing  murdering pedophiles , even dear old queen lizard, I mean Elizabeth).

Research it yourself, and draw your own conclusions on what's happening, because if all this is true, and i would bet my life it is, and we are heading towards a new world order of mass enslavement from a one world government ( next post New World Order) then all people need to unite discarding their differences to rebel against it! My daughter will not have to look me on the eye and ask why I did nothing when this was happening!!!

Written by slayer69
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