The Malice of Social Klicks

      In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my head ever since.
“Never surrender, there is always a way out and to overcome any obstacle.”
Now with this told I will start at the beginning. I start my story in my third year of college at a frat party. With my actions and appearance of a walking corpse I was surprised by the invitation. I brought my counterpart Jake as my plus one. As we walked into the party I was perplexed with amusement. Everyone seemed to already be in a drunken stupor in this wild excuse for a rout. There was a drunken woman that was falling over everyone singing to the music. A humorous suggestion was made that she sing the notes on her face, whereupon she threw up her hands, sank into a chair, and went off into a vinous sleep. Jake and I looked at each other in bewildered amusement and ingratiated ourselves into the crowded dorm.
     After hours of drinking, mingling, and dancing to the raving music, Jake and I began to relax and let our guard down. This was a foolish mistake. The minute we put our drinks down and closed our eyes for just a moment. We were clobbered up-side the head and knocked out cold.
     When I opened my eyes in a pain staking stupor of a hangover I came to realize that I was bound and hanging by the ceiling. Jake was in the same state beside me.
“Jake where are we?!”      
With a painful groan he groggily replied.
“I don’t know man. One second I’m chatting it up with a cute art fanatic and the next I’m strung up like a Christmas ham. It seems we’re in the old rec building.”
I glance around to confirm his statement. He was right. I could see the old bleachers and the doors to the locker room.
“Glad to see you night freaks came to, just in time to start the show!”
It was Chance. The smelly, snobby gorilla I humiliated in our arts of literature lecture the day before.
“Let us go Chance.” mumbled Jake. Into the dark gloom of the rec room.
“I don’t think so gloomy Gus. You see, I’m sick of you gothic weirdoes thinking you of a higher species then the rest of us norms.”
“We aren’t Chance we just don’t like being stuck with you portentous conformists, just like you loath sharing a class with mature adults.” Jake retorted.
With a glare Chance landed a punch to jakes right side of his face.
“Shut up! You’re in no position to patronize us. Rick! Get the toys!”
With a grunt of confirmation Rick unzips his sports bag and reveals three things. A baseball bat, a golf club, and a butcher knife.
“Let’s play some ball boys!” chuckles Chance as he reaches for the bat.
“Play ball!”
He swung the bat with bone crunching malice against Jake’s side torso. Jake whimpered but slowly gave into painful groans and shrieks as the bat went to town on his body till we hear the damage calculated with the snap of broken bones. Jakes face paled and his head shrinks into his chest and cowers like a dog that got his soul broken.
“Your turn corpse kisser!” smirks Chance as he grabs the club in Rick’s waiting hand.
I shut my eyes in grimace and waited. There is a crack as I feel the metal rod make contact with my knee cap. After this Chance continued to use my body like a golf ball. With blind fury he made contact with my chest. I felt a rise in my chest and puked blood all over the floor.
“I thought you love blood you little priss!” snarled Chance superciliously into my ear.

     I looked up, glared, and spat blood in his face.
“Go screw yourself Chance, you make me sick, you’re nothing but putrid filth.”
At this he grinned and reached for the knife.
“Not begging for relief yet huh? This will do the trick then.”
Strident like his words he brandished the blade and rubbed it across my cheek.
“Get outa here Rick and head back to the party. I can finish this.”
With a nod Rick lurched out of the rec room and out into the night.
“Time for you to scream for the boogie man to save you.” He cooed and prepared to slash my chest to pieces.
With this I swore I could hear my dad’s words echoing in my head.
“Never surrender son, pull through this.”
With this everything came to me in slow motion. I twirled myself around and felt Chance cut into my wrists. The bonds were cut and I kicked in retaliation. Chance’s stance fell off balance as I fell to the floor. He slipped and tossed the knife into the air in an attempt to catch himself. With this the knife fell and sliced through his neck and his limp severed head fell to the floor with a liquid splat. At this I kicked his head and watched it sail across the rec room as I whispered.
“I’m the boogie man you pitiful fool. Happy Halloween.”
Written by iShotTheMaid
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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